Color and Font - poloteh/iOSRoadmapTutorial GitHub Wiki


Please refer to this Font Link to add a custom font in your project.

The font should appear in the selection, if not please restart your Xcode

Screenshot 2019-04-30 at 6 02 50 PM

*Create an enum in your constant file to ease the development

enum Fonts {
    static let AssistantRegular = "Assistant-Regular"
    static let AssistantSemiBold = "Assistant-SemiBold"
    static let AssistantLight = "Assistant-Light"
    static let AssistantExtraBold = "Assistant-ExtraBold"
    static let AssistantExtraLight = "Assistant-ExtraLight"
    static let AssistantBold = "Assistant-Bold"


For every project please a custom color palette in your Xcode and export the .clr file and upload to your code repository.

Find your newly added color palette in ~/Library/Colors

To add a new palette in Xcode, open storyboard and tap any color setting, a colors tab will pop up, tap the setting button in the color palette(third tab) to add a new color palette.

Screenshot 2019-04-30 at 6 03 27 PM

Click add or minus button to add or delete a color. Use the HEX as the naming of the color.

Screenshot 2019-04-30 at 6 19 27 PM

Create enum in your constant file for each color.

The naming should same as in color palette to avoid confusion

enum Colors {
    static let purple_673AB7 = UIColor(red:103/255.0, green:58/255.0, blue:183/255.0, alpha:1.0)


Example Project