install new 4tb disk no lvm - plembo/onemoretech GitHub Wiki

Install a new 4 TB disk: No LVM

Procedure to partition and format a new 4 TB disk, without LVM.

Power down and install the physical disk, connect its data and power cables, button up and power on.

Confirm the new disk hardware is recognized by the machine (check BIOS on start up). You can also run the lsblk utility once the system has rebooted.

Use parted to set up as a GPT type disk and create up one big partition:

$ sudo parted /dev/sdc

(parted) mklabel gpt
(parted) mkpart primary 1 100%
(parted) print
(parted) quit

Now format partition ext4:

$ sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdc1

Get UUID for disk for use in fstab:

$ uuidgen

Take UUID value and assign it to new disk partition:

$ sudo tune2fs /dev/sdc1 -U xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

Create a mount point for the new disk:

$ sudo mkdir /data2

Add entry for new disk to /etc/fstab:

# /data2 was created for /dev/sdc1
UUID=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx /data2 ext4 defaults 0 0

Test mount the disk:

$ sudo mount /data2

Restart machine.