20110729 listindexespl for dsee7 - plembo/onemoretech GitHub Wiki
title: listindexes.pl for dsee7 link: https://onemoretech.wordpress.com/2011/07/29/listindexespl-for-dsee7/ author: lembobro description: post_id: 14 created: 2011/07/29 14:37:24 created_gmt: 2011/07/29 14:37:24 comment_status: open post_name: listindexespl-for-dsee7 status: publish post_type: post
listindexes.pl for dsee7
This is a script to take the output of Directory Server Enterprise Edition’s dsconf list-indexes -v
and turns it into a csv. Besides making a nice report, the output can also be used for comparing indexes on different DSEE directories and as input to a script that formats index creation and modification commands. In other words, endless fun. Here is the script, be mindful that like everything else on this site I only care if it works for me. It does. Create input by running:
dsconf list-indexes -h localhost -p 389 -v dc=example,dc=com
Then modify the script for items like file paths, etc.
# listindexes2csv.pl
# Parses long form index list created with dsconf list-indexes -v and makes csv
# suitable for running through setindexes.pl script.
# Data: ATTR_NAME eq-enabled pres-enabled sub-enabled approx-enabled system
# Trim header and any indexes you don't want before parsing.
# Created 7/29/2010 by P Lembo
use strict;
use Custom::Text::ParseWords;
my $HOME = $ENV{'HOME'};
my $infile = "$HOME/data/admin/testserver-indexes.txt";
my $outfile = "$HOME/data/admin/testserver-indexes.csv";
open FH, ">$infile" or die $!;
open FH1, ">$outfile" or die $!;
while() {
my ($ATTR,
) = ( &parse_line('s+',0,$_));
my @props;
print FH1 "$ATTR";
print FH1 ",";
if($eq eq 'on') {
push @props, "eq";
if($pres eq 'on') {
push @props, "pres";
if($sub eq 'on') {
push @props, "sub";
if($approx eq 'on') {
push @props, "approx";
if($system eq 'yes') {
push @props, "system";
my $propstr;
foreach my $prop(@props) {
$propstr = $propstr . " ". $prop;
for ($propstr) {
print FH1 $propstr;
print FH1 "n";
close FH1;
close FH;
What you’ll wind up with is a file whose data looks something like this:
cn,pres eq sub
givenName,pres eq sub
mail,pres eq sub
and so on. And yes, I know, I could use a refresher in how to handle perl arrays.
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