Identity Management - pinocchio61/Architecture GitHub Wiki

Title: Identity Management


First, when an organizer registers on our platform, he/she will need to provide a public key, which will be used to prove the authorization of uploading audio files at certain event. We assume that the organizer will use computers to register on our platform, so we need to find a tool to support this requirement.

Secondly, when an attendee is signing in an event on our platform, he/she will have to provide a public key (wallet address), which becomes the attendee's identity and it can be used to edit or vote for the content on our platform. Also, the user will use mobile phone to sign in to the event. Thus, we need to find a mobile app to support the requirement.

Investigation of different choices

On computers

Metamask is the most lightweight and most popular tool to use on the computers, so we choose to use Metamask.

On mobile phones

Coin Wallet Cipher Browser Trust Wallet
Popularity 339 ratings 48 ratings 2.58K ratings
Testing Network Rinkeby Ropsten Kovan Rinkeby None
Performance N/A N/A N/A
Security (testnet security) Great with Rinkeby Great with Rinkeby and Kovan N/A
Access device’s GPS N Y N
Access device’s camera N N N
Cookies (browser cache) Y Y Y


On computers

We choose Metamask because it is the most lightweight and most popular tool to use on the computers, so we choose to use Metamask.

On mobile phones

We choose Cipher Browser at the end since one of our important requirements is accessing the devices' GPS location. When the attendees is signing in to an event, Pinocchio platform has to make sure the attendee is really at the event location. Also, Cipher Browser supports all test networks, which is helpful for our project because we will have to test our product before release it to the production environment. Thus, while Cipher Browser has least rating, we choose Cipher Browser.




As Cipher Browser has the least ratings, we may infer that few people are using the mobile app. In this case, the staff at the event location may have to instruct the attendees to download Cipher Browser for signing in the event, which may delay the whole event.