Usage - pilgun/acvtool GitHub Wiki

  1. This example will generate the final instruction coverage report.
$ acv instrument test_apks/snake.apk
$ adb install ~/acvtool/acvtool_working_dir/instr_com.gnsdm.snake
$ acv activate com.gnsdm.snake
$ adb shell monkey -p com.gnsdm.snake
$ acv snap com.gnsdm.snake
$ acv cover-pickles com.gnsdm.snake
$ acv report com.gnsdm.snake
  1. ACVTool may help you focusing only on executed methods in the report.
$ acv report com.gnsdm.snake -shrink
  1. Checkout particular feature instruction coverage by combining flush and snap commands.
$ acv flush com.gnsdm.snake
$ <execute a simple feature in the app>
$ acv snap com.gnsdm.snake
  1. You may save coverage information incrementally step by step with snap command. This will result into additional .ec files at ~/acvtool/acvtool_working_dir/ec_files
$ action 1
$ acv snap com.gnsdm.snake
$ action 2
$ acv snap com.gnsdm.snake
  1. Feature-specific coverage may be calculated providing the timestamp from the .ec filename. Keep in mind ACVTool overrides the target dir ~/acvtool/acvtool_working_dir/pickles.
$ acv cover-pickles -ts 1718933616
$ acv report com.gnsdm.snake