Quotes - pikers/piker GitHub Wiki
Anything worth doing is worth over doing, moderation is for cowards.
- SEAL Team Mantra
Never, never complain about your enemies. Only losers complain. Drive them to complain about you.
- Nassim Taleb
You can't force an agenda, Mr. Alderson. You have to inspire one.
- CEO, Mr. Robot
I can remove fear because my main goal in life is to disrupt the current power architecture so much that I will likely lose my life over it (murder). Pair that with the desire to have never existed in the first place and there is no reason to worry.
- piker0
The most powerful christian parable is that of the "unforgiving servant" precisely because so many followers fail not only to understand it but practice it in general; this core hypocrisy is the turn-off of most non-followers.
- atheist
It’s not worth doing something unless you were doing something that someone, somewhere, would much rather you weren’t doing.
- Sir Terence David John Pratchett
In corporation religions as in others, the heretic must be cast out not because of the probability that he is wrong but because of the possibility that he is right.
- Antony Jay