Multiselect Lookup - phuocle/Dataverse-Dialog-Builder GitHub Wiki

Dialog UI





# Name Required? Type Description
1 Type MultiselectLookup Dataverse Dialog Builder MultiselectLookup control
2 Logical Name x string The logical name of the control
3 Label string The text you want to display
4 Parameter Target Entities (SafeString) x Parameter input, concat string seperator by , entity logical name
5 Parameter Is Disabled (SafeString) x Parameter input, lock or unlock by Parameter, cannot use the OOB JavaScript function setDisabled
6 Parameter Disable Mru (SafeString) x Parameter input, disable mru by Parameter
7 Parameter Selected Entities (SafeString) x Parameter output, return an array object selected value
8 Visible boolean show or hide control
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️