Advanced Find And Result - phuocle/Dataverse-Dialog-Builder GitHub Wiki

The Advanced Find And Result control is a combination of the Advanced Find control and the Advanced Find Result control

Dialog UI





# Name Required? Type Description
1 Type AdvancedFindAndResult Dataverse Dialog Builder AdvancedFindAndResult control
2 Logical Name x string The logical name of the control
3 Parameter FetchXml (SafeString) x Parameter input, FetchXml code use to render subgrid by Advanced Find And Result control
4 Parameter Entity Logical Name (SafeString) x Parameter input, Primary entity use by Advanced Find And Result control
5 Rows x int How many rows control render
6 Visible boolean show or hide control


  • You cannot change the label View records
  • You cannot change the columns in subgrid view, it use default by view Advanced Find of the entity
  • You cannot get the selected records in the subgrid view
  • If you dynamic change the parameter input Parameter Entity Logical Name (SafeString) after the control render, subgrid cannot refresh to correct new entity. You can use the following tips hereby to refresh subgrid
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️