Release playbook - php-tuf/composer-stager GitHub Wiki

  1. Before committing to a release...
    1. Check the issue queue for critical issues.
    2. Search the codebase for important @todo comments.
  2. Run automated tests with composer all.
  3. Make sure any needed documentation changes have been made--in the codebase and in the Wiki.
  4. Create a release tag. (See Branching & versioning.)
    1. Choose a semantic version number (x.y.z).
    2. Start the release with git flow release start x.y.z.
    3. If the release is a new major version (e.g., v1.0.0), update the branch alias at accordingly.
    4. Finish the release with git flow release finish x.y.z.
    5. Push the release tag to GitHub along with the updated develop and main branches.
  5. Create a GitHub release.
    1. Set the tag version and release title both to the new version number.
  6. Update the package at to publish the new release. Delete any extraneous versions it may create, e.g., dev-feature/example.