Running from command line - phires/go-guerrilla GitHub Wiki

guerrillad command

  guerrillad [command]

Available Commands:
  serve       start the small SMTP server
  version     Print the version info

  -v, --verbose   print out more debug information


Use ./guerrillad start to start.

When the daemon starts running, it will read the config and create the servers. Logging some info messages to the stderr. It will then change the stderr outpout to whatever has been specified in the config.

Should the reading of the configuration fail, or starting of a server fail, the daemon will abort starting up, exit with a 1, and log the error.

Re-loading the config

use kill -HUP <process-id> to send a signal to the deamon. The daemon will write out the process-id (pid) to a file.

Re-open log file

Use kill -USR1 <process-id>

This is used for log rotation.


For example, if you want to discard everything:

./guerrillad serve >> /dev/null 2>&1 &

Or you want to save it:

./guerrillad serve >> /home/mike/smtpd_log 2>&1 &

The >> means redirect-and-append. The 2>&1 means redirect errors and output. The & at the end means run it in the background.

If you want to look at the messages live, you can than open another console and tail it.


Use openssl to check if you have configured TLS properly:

$ openssl s_client -starttls smtp -crlf -connect
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