opcode encoding - philpax/skiron GitHub Wiki

Encoding A

Used for three-register instructions.

Field Layout

6 bits 2 bits 2 bits 6 bits 6 bits 6 bits 2 bits 2 bits
opcode encoding variant register1 register2 register3 padding operandSize
  • opcode (ubyte, 6 bits): The opcode number.
  • encoding (Encoding, 2 bits): The encoding in use.
  • variant (Variant, 2 bits): The variant/modifier to apply to register3.
  • register1 (Register, 6 bits): The destination register.
  • register2 (Register, 6 bits): The first source register.
  • register3 (Register, 6 bits): The second source register.
  • padding (ubyte, 2 bits)
  • operandSize (OperandSize, 2 bits): The sizes of the operands being used.

Encoding B

Used for one-register, one-immediate instructions.

Field Layout

6 bits 2 bits 2 bits 6 bits 16 bits
opcode encoding variant register1 immediate
  • opcode (ubyte, 6 bits): The opcode number.
  • encoding (Encoding, 2 bits): The encoding in use.
  • variant (Variant, 2 bits): The variant/modifier to apply to the immediate.
  • register1 (Register, 6 bits): The destination/source register.
  • immediate (ushort, 16 bits): The encoded unsigned immediate value.

Encoding C

Used for one-immediate instructions.

Field Layout

6 bits 2 bits 2 bits 20 bits 2 bits
opcode encoding variant immediate operandSize
  • opcode (ubyte, 6 bits): The opcode number.
  • encoding (Encoding, 2 bits): The encoding in use.
  • variant (Variant, 2 bits): The variant/modifier to apply to the immediate.
  • immediate (int, 20 bits): The encoded signed immediate value.
  • operandSize (OperandSize, 2 bits): The sizes of the operands being used.

Encoding D

Used for two-register, one-immediate instructions.

Field Layout

6 bits 2 bits 2 bits 6 bits 6 bits 8 bits 2 bits
opcode encoding variant register1 register2 immediate operandSize
  • opcode (ubyte, 6 bits): The opcode number.
  • encoding (Encoding, 2 bits): The encoding in use.
  • variant (Variant, 2 bits): The variant/modifier to apply to the immediate.
  • register1 (Register, 6 bits): The destination register.
  • register2 (Register, 6 bits): The source register.
  • immediate (int, 8 bits): The encoded signed immediate value.
  • operandSize (OperandSize, 2 bits): The sizes of the operands being used.


The last argument of an instruction can be modified by a Variant before being used in a computation.

  • Identity
    • Index: 0
    • Description: Pass the operand through unchanged.
  • ShiftLeft1
    • Index: 1
    • Description: Shift the operand 1 bit to the left.
  • ShiftLeft2
    • Index: 2
    • Description: Shift the operand 2 bits to the left.

Operand Formats

An opcode has an operand format, which specifies which arguments it takes.

  • Dst
    • Description: Destination (register)
    • Encoding: A
    • Operand size support: true
  • Uimm
    • Description: Source (unsigned immediate)
    • Encoding: B
    • Operand size support: false
  • DstSrc
    • Description: Destination (register), source (register)
    • Encoding: A
    • Operand size support: true
  • DstSrcSrc
    • Description: Destination (register), source (register), source (register)
    • Encoding: A
    • Operand size support: true
  • DstUimm
    • Description: Destination (register), source (unsigned immediate)
    • Encoding: B
    • Operand size support: false
  • DstSrcImm
    • Description: Destination (register), source1 (register), source2 (immediate)
    • Encoding: D
    • Operand size support: true
  • Label
    • Description: Label (immediate)
    • Encoding: C
    • Operand size support: false
  • None
    • Description: No operands
    • Encoding: A
    • Operand size support: false
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