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RECM> statistic deposit 
Deposit Statistics


     Deposit Name : 'REPO12'
          Version : '1.1'
      Description : 'Recovery Manager Deposit(PostgreSQL). Release installation'
    Creation date : '2022-01-02 19:17:47'
      Last change : '2022-01-02 19:17:47'

Statistics backups
   |       cid |           Name |     Used space |          Count | Oldest Backup         | Youngest Backup       |
   |         1 |CLU12           |         878 MB |             18 |   2022-01-03 15:06:45 |   2022-01-14 20:19:01 |
   |         6 |CLU15           |         253 MB |              2 |   2022-01-14 19:56:30 |   2022-01-14 19:56:39 |
   |         3 |CLU14           |         702 MB |              7 |   2022-01-03 18:40:02 |   2022-01-12 22:44:37 |
   |         2 |REPO12          |           3 GB |              5 |   2022-01-14 16:00:02 |   2022-01-14 20:00:12 |
   Total space used : 4 GB
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