index.rst standard - pgRouting/pgrouting GitHub Wiki

index.rst for the pgRouting functions are located on

  • src/<section>/doc/index.rst
  • src/<section>/doc/<subdivision>/index.rst (when applicable)

The following is the standard of the structure for the index.rst files specially when a section has more than 1 function to be included. (including an example for the links).

You can copy/paste an change things acordingly.

pgRouting Manual
Copyright(c) pgRouting Contributors

This documentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share
Alike 3.0 License:

.. _section_functions:

section Functions

General description of the section, may include:
short overview or description of the algorithm
A brief description of what are the feature and benefits of this algorithm.
Why I might want to use it over one of the other ones.
High level of how the algorithm works
what are the inputs (high-level concepts)
what can be expected as results.(high-level concepts)

-  :ref:`pgr_function` - <One line description>.
-  :ref:`pgr_textToPoints` - convert a string of ``x,y;x,y;...`` locations into point geometries. 

.. toctree::

    pgr_function name - <Same One line description>. <rst file name>
    pgr_textToPoints - convert a string of ``x,y;x,y;...`` locations into point geometries. <text_to_points>


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