Time dependent Dynamic Shortest Path - pgRouting/pgrouting GitHub Wiki

###Implementation of Time Dependent Shortest Path Algorithm for pgRouting

Basic Idea: This module aims at extending the pgRouting library to support time-dependent shortest path routing where the edge weights are function of time and other parameters. Unlike static scenario, where the edge weights do not change here, we assume that the weights change according to time. So, while traversing any edge, the algorithm must consider the cost of edge at that instant of time. Thus the algorithm will give the path which has least arrival time from source to destination.

Accepted as GSoc 2011 project

Weekly Reports

  1. [27-May-2011] https://github.com/jay-mahadeokar/GSoc-2011-Project-Docs/blob/master/weekly-reports/27-May-2011

  2. [3-Jun-2011] https://github.com/jay-mahadeokar/GSoc-2011-Project-Docs/blob/master/weekly-reports/3-Jun-2011 ###Blog You can find regular updates on what I am doing on my blog: http://floatingpoints.wordpress.com/category/gsoc2011/

ToDo [Tickets]

  • Acquire time dependent data for testing