2.0 Development Plan - pgRouting/pgrouting GitHub Wiki

2.0 Development Plan

** pgRouting 2.0 Release on 2013-09-24 ** Release Announcement


The milestones below are Daniel K's first pass at identifying tasks and arbitrarily grouping them into milestones. These will get reordered as soon as I can review materials and put things into a plan. My initial getting started steps will likely be something along the lines:

  • restructure the source tree - DONE
  • get the new tree to compile on linux - DONE
  • get pgRouting to install as a postgresql extension - DONE
  • get the new tree to compile on windows - DONE
  • plan out the rest of the tasks and update the plan below - DONE

This will provide a basic stable development environment that will allow additional developer to collaborate without colliding with one another. Once this is in place it will be easier to develop a detailed plan and milestones.


Milestone 1

Milestone 2

Not assigned



The pgRouting 2.0 release was mainly funded by: