Jack's Contributions - pf5054o/Ar-Glasses GitHub Wiki

Navigation Scene


The following models were created for the navigation scene, to resemble a small area of a city. 5 Buildings were created and duplicated throughout the scene, and subsequently scaled and rotated to minimise repetitive assets. Navigation Scene Building Models Two Road Tiles were created, one of a straight road, and one with pavement on one side to allow a bend in the road. Road Tiles An Overview of the Navigation Area, and a Ground View. Navigation Overview Navigation Ground View


To add a more polished look to the Navigation markers in the scene a material was created and added to the capsule used for the navigation marker, then the following script was added to move the UV texture along the shape continuously indicating the direction the user needs to follow. Navigation Marker UV Move Script Nav Marker Short A sphere collider was also added to the scene to trigger the activation of an ambient city noise from an audio source. City Sound Trigger Script The overall lighting of the scene had to be lowered to allow the showroom to appear dark, before the spotlights are triggered, therefore additional lighting was added to all scenes to allow for better clarity.



The following model was created for a "Showroom" Space leading the user to the glasses and highlighting particular features. Showroom Model a Monitor was modelled to provide a space to house a plane showing an animation of the glasses feature. Anim Monitor Model


To trigger the monitor a script was made to set the monitor active when the glasses were hit by a raycast from the users camera. Monitor Trigger Script A script was created triggering a series of lights, first highlighting the title "b-AR The Future of Productivity" then guiding the user directly to the glasses. Lighting Script InitialLighting Secondary Lighting A small script was necessary for triggering an animation of the glasses being equipped once the player was in their proximity and pressed the appropriate button. GlassesAnimTrigger A Script was also created to allow the UI Icons to be interacted with when looked upon, then with a subsequent button press, triggering animations of the correlating door opening, giving the user access to the next demonstration area. UI Button Interact Script UI Buttons It was also necessary to make modifications to the current music player sprint to allow VR compatibility. As the OnClick.AddListener function would not work with VR inputs, the buttons were replaced with 3D objects with additional scripts applied. AddingVRFunctionalityToAudioManagerScript

Office Scene


The exterior walls of the office were modelled, with two monitors added for animations as well as aditional lighting, to ensure all assets could be clearly scene OfficeWithLighting


A small script was added to trigger the playing of an animation on the two monitors within the office scene once the player entered the trigger area within the office. Office Animation Trigger Script


The conducted White box testing can be found under the white box testing page