0.1.0‐snapshot‐4 - petrolpark/Destroy GitHub Wiki
Chemistry Additions
- Steam Reformation reverse (Sabatier process)
- Sodium Hydride and Sodium Borohydride syntheses
Bug Fixes
- Red Sand has the Sand sieving recipe
- Keypunches punches the wrong square
- Acetylene Trimerization has wrong translation key
- Crash when mixing Propylene and Water
- Charging and Electrolysis don't work
- Reversible reactions don't show up for output Items' recipes in JEI
- A second Moonshine Bottle replaces the Undistilled Moonshine Bottle in the Creative Mode Tab
- Some automatically generated thermodynamic values do not obey Hess' Law
- Lime slaking missing Quicklime ingredient
Translation Updates
- Russian
- Chinese
- Japanese
- Polish
- British English
- Brazilian Porteguese
- German