Baby Blue will eliminate the breeding cooldown when used on animals
Added oleum and refined the synthesis of sulfuric acid
Esterification with carboxylic acids now requires oleum as a dehydrating agent, which stops the perpetual polymerization problem when trying to make acetone cyanohydrin
Updated Double Cardan Shaft model
Updated texture for Palladium and Platinum Blocks
Decreased the rate at which pollution naturally disappears
Sulfur dioxide has the right density
Fixed tooltips for filters for gas and liquid in the Vat screen being swapped
Distillation towers won't distill if the reboiler is cooler than room temperature
Fixed console spam from Mixtures
Fixed heat capacity of water being a thousand times higher than it should have been
Crude Oil and recipes involving it now use the tag forge:crude_oil
Vats with no gas and only solution now read as at a vacuum rather than air pressure
Fixed occasional crash when clicking Vat Sides with a Test Tube
Fixed crash when urinating
Fixed slow release of Mixtures through pumps not polluting
Castner process now obeys conservation laws
Fixed voiding of gases if inserted into a Vat below their boiling point
Fixed mixing textures of some Fluids in when in pipes