Windows workflow - petebachant/ GitHub Wiki


Getting my system setup for work on Windows:

  1. Install Chocolatey (a package manager)

  2. Install Anaconda (Python 3.5)

  3. Install Python packages via conda (TODO: add these)

  4. Install Python packages via pip (TODO: add these)

  5. Install necessary packages via Chocolatey (run in command prompt with admin privs):

    choco install -y googlechrome git jabref miktex texstudio gimp inkscape sumatrapdf virtualbox make
  6. Install Insync or Google Drive

  7. Install Atom

  8. Setup SSH keys for GitHub

  9. Copy Linux Mint virtual machine image and disk over to ~/VirtualBox VMs/ (hopefully won't be necessary once Linux subsystem for Windows is done)

  10. Configure Git

  11. Install SolidWorks once needed

  12. Install MS Office if absolutely necessary (try to use online versions if possible)

Getting started on a project

  1. Open a Git Bash terminal

  2. cd to the project directory (create it first if necessary)

  3. Open Atom there with atom .

  4. If this is a Python project, open a Jupyter QtConsole instance in a new command prompt with start jupyter qtconsole

  5. If any Python code will be edited, execute

    %load_ext autoreload
    %autoreload 2
  6. If any plots will be generated, use %matplotlib inline

  7. For other tasks, write some scripts and/or a Makefile and execute these from the terminal