World_Chess_Software_Championship - peregrineshahin/ChessProgrammingWiki GitHub Wiki

title: World Chess Software Championship

Home * Tournaments * World Chess Software Championship

ICGA logo The World Chess Software Championship (WCSC) is an annual event organized by the ICGA, where computer chess engines compete against each other on uniform platform. The World Chess Software Championship was a result of the discussions on the requirements imposts on programs participating in a World Computer Chess Championship. During the preparations for the 17th WCCC in Pamplona there was a long lasting and serious discussion on number of cores to be allowed to participate.


| Edition | Event | Origin | ICGA | Participants | Champion | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 1st | WCSC 2010 | JAIST, Kanazawa | Japan | Kanazawa 2010 | 9 | Shredder | | 2nd | WCSC 2011 | Tilburg University, Tilburg | The Netherlands | Tilburg 2011 | 5 | HIARCS | | 3rd | WCSC 2013 | Keio University Kyosei-kan, Yokohama | Japan | Yokohama 2013 | 6 | HIARCS | | 4th | WCSC 2015 | Leiden University, Leiden | The Netherlands | Leiden 2015 | 8 | Shredder | | 5th | WCSC 2016 | Leiden University, Leiden | The Netherlands | WCSC 2016 | 7 | Komodo | | 6th | WCSC 2017 | Leiden University, Leiden | The Netherlands | WCSC 2017 | 7 | Shredder | | 7th | WCSC 2018 | Stockholm | Sweden | WCSC 2018 | 9 | Komodo | | 8th | WCSC 2019 | Macau | China | WCSC 2019 | 6 | Komodo | | 9th | WCSC 2022 | Vienna | Austria | WCSC 2022 | 6 | Ginkgo | | 10th | WCSC 2023 | Valencia | Spain | WCSC 2023 | 4 | Fritz |

See also



  1. WCCC 2010 by Harvey Williamson, Hiarcs Forum, September 28, 2009

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