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title: Volker Annuss

Home * People * Volker Annuss

Volker Annuss 1(#cite-note-arena-1) Volker Annuss,

a German computer scientist and software developer, as computer chess programmer author of the chess engines Hermann [2] and Arminius. As mentioned on the Arena site 1(#cite-note-arena-1), Volker started chess programming in 1986 with the program Deep Thought for Atari ST. The only common thing with another famous program was the name, the computer in Douglas Adams' novel Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. After a long break, Volker Annuss developed Hermann, using bitboards as basic data structure, and neural networks for material evaluation and timing [3]. Since 2006, Volker regularly participates at CSVN tournaments in Leiden, with Hermann, and since DOCCC 2011 with the completely restructured successor Arminius [4]. As of August 2017, Volker introduced Black Magic Bitboards [5].

Forum Posts

2010 ...

2015 ...

2020 ...

External Links


  1. 1.0 1.1 Arena Chess GUI for Linux and Windows - Hermann (Wayback Machine)
  2. Hermann webpage
  3. Timing with a Neural Networks by Volker Annuss, Arena News-Ticker, Page 6, 86, FQ, March 23, 2005 (Wayback Machine)
  4. Pandix wins Dutch Open, CSVN site, October 22, 2011
  5. Black magic bitboards by Volker Annuss, CCC, August 03, 2017
  6. 6th International CSVN Tournament 2006 - Photo Gallery
  7. ↑ Photo by Jan Krabbenbos, April 30, 2017, CSVN Programmer Tournament 51, CSVN site

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