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title: Ulf Lorenz

Home * People * Ulf Lorenz

Ulf Lorenz [1] Ulf Lorenz,

a German computer scientist and professor at the faculty of business administration, University of Siegen, and head of the department of technology management [2].

Chess Programs

In Paderbrn, Ulf authored and co-authored various chess programs, most notably the mentioned controlled conspiracy number searcher P.ConNerS, and along with Chrilly Donninger, the FPGA chess entities Brutus and Hydra.


Further, Ulf was tournament organizer as well participant of the International Paderborn Computer Chess Championship IPCCC.


Ulf Lorenz continued his academical career at the Darmstadt University of Technology, where he researched on mathematical optimization and computational complexity theory, in particular quantified integer linear programming with connections to PSPACE-complete games, such as Othello, Gomoku, Amazons and others [4].


Ulf Lorenz, IPCCC 2000 [5]

Hydra team 2004: Ulf Lorenz, Erdogan Günes and Chrilly Donninger, IPCCC 2004 [6]

Selected Publications

[7] [8]

1992 ...

2000 ...

2010 ...

2020 ...

External Links


  1. Prof. Dr. Ulf Lorenz | Betriebswirtschaftslehre - Uni Siegen (German)
  2. Lehrstuhlteam | Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Prof. Dr. Ulf Lorenz)
  3. ↑ Ulf Lorenz (2000). Controlled Conspiracy Number Search. Paderborn University, Dissertation, advisor Burkhard Monien (German)
  4. Thorsten Ederer, Ulf Lorenz, Thomas Opfer, Jan Wolf (2011). Modeling Games with the Help of Quantified Integer Linear Programs. Advances in Computer Games 13
  5. ↑ Photo from the former IPCCC 2000 Homepage
  6. Die Internationalen Paderborner Computerschachmeisterschaften by Mathias Feist, ChessBase Nachrichten, February 17, 2004 (German)
  7. ICGA Reference Database
  8. dblp: Ulf Lorenz

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