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title: The Turk

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[ The Turk [1] [2] [3] [4] The Turk,

an experimental chess program developed in the mid 90s by two students of the University of Alberta and members of the Games research group, Yngvi Björnsson and Andreas Junghanns, which competed the WMCCC 1996 in Jakarta. It uses NegaScout and also includes most search enhancement found in contemporary chess programs, such as extensions, quiescence search, and transposition table. Move ordering considers captures in MVV-LVA order, and the history heuristic is used to sort the remaining moves. The best move previously found in a position is stored in the transposition table and searched first where applicable. The Turk was test-bed of various pruning techniques such as Uncertainty Cut-Offs [5] and Multi-Cut [6] .

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  1. ↑ Copper engraving from the book: Karl Gottlieb von Windisch (1783). Briefe über den Schachspieler von Kempelen nebst drey Kupferstichen die diese berühmte Maschine vorstellen. The Turk from Wikipedia
  2. Wolfgang von Kempelen from Wikipedia
  3. Johann Nepomuk Maelzel from Wikipedia
  4. Maelzel's Chess Player from Wikipedia
  5. Yngvi Björnsson, Tony Marsland, Jonathan Schaeffer, Andreas Junghanns (1997). Searching with Uncertainty Cut-offs. ICCA Journal, Vol. 20, No. 1
  6. Yngvi Björnsson, Tony Marsland (2001). Multi-cut Alpha-Beta Pruning in Game Tree Search. Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 252, pdf

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