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title: Stefan Plenkner

Home * People * Stefan Plenkner

Stefan Plenkner,

a German computer scientist, during the 90s interested on chess programming topics. He published the paper on Zugzwang Verification in Null Move Pruning in the June 1995 issue of the ICCA Journal, dubbed Tempo Search [1], heavily discussed in news groups [2] [3]. Stefan further introduced the modulo 67 trick for BitScan purpose [4], and asked for a fast modulo implementation in rgcc [5] [6].


Forum Posts


  1. ↑ Stefan Plenkner (1995). A Null-Move Technique Impervious to Zugzwang. ICCA Journal, Vol. 18, No. 2
  2. Looking for Stefan Plenkner by Mark Lefler, rgcc, September 06, 1995
  3. Null-move zugzwang avoidance, Jun '95 ICCAJ by Bruce Moreland, rgcc, December 6, 1996
  4. bitboard 2^i mod 67 is unique by Stefan Plenkner, rgcc, August 6, 1996
  5. bitboard 2^i mod 67 is unique by Stefan Plenkner, rgcc, August 7, 1996
  6. Re: bitboard 2^i mod 67 is unique by Joël Rivat, rgcc, September 2, 1996
  7. Author:("Plenkner, Stefan") - IOS Press

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