Stefan_Geschwentner - peregrineshahin/ChessProgrammingWiki GitHub Wiki

title: Stefan Geschwentner

Home * People * Stefan Geschwentner

Stefan Geschwentner [1] Stefan Geschwentner,

a German computer scientist and software developer, who graduated in mathematics and computer science at University of Ulm. In 2013, he started to work on Stockfish, playing with extensions, in particular frustrating trials with the Botvinnik-Markoff extension [2], but soon became a primary member of the Stockfish community, and contributed in all areas of search, evaluation and testing, such as selectivity, move ordering [3], and considering pinned pieces in king safety [4] to mention a few.



2015 ...

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  1. ↑ Image cropped from Stefan Geschwentner über Künstliche Intelligenz und einer Aufforderung zum Duell von Google's KI by Armin Haas, code'n'ground AG, January 17, 2019 (German)
  2. Re: Botvinnik-Markov...these guys.. by Stefan Geschwentner, FishCooking, August 28, 2013
  3. Followup moves by Stefan Geschwentner, FishCooking, January 12, 2014
  4. Pinned pieces in king safety by Stefan Geschwentner, FishCooking, March 28, 2014

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