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title: Pierre Nolot

Home * People * Pierre Nolot

Pierre Nolot,

a French chess player and official, computer chess expert, writer and journalist as well as tournament organizer of the CPWTIPC 1981 [1] [2] and as president of the Clichy Chess Club, the French Computer Chess Championships from the first edition in 1992 until 1999 [3]. He created several test suites, most notable The Nolot Suite, eleven quite difficult test-positions, in 1994 introduced by Marc-François Baudot [4] [5] in rec.games.chess to a wider audience.

Nikolic - Fischer

Emil Nikolic vs Bobby Fischer, 1968, 19... Bg4! [7]

r3r1k1/pp1q1p2/2p2npb/PPPp1bnp/3PpN2/2N1P1PP/1R1B1PBK/3Q1R2 b - - 0 19

Gusev - Auerbach

Yuri S. Gusev vs E. Auerbach (1946) 24.Qxe5! [8] [9]

4q1kr/p6p/1prQPppB/4n3/4P3/2P5/PP2B2P/R5K1 w - - 1 24

Selected Publications

External Links

J&S N°18 (French)


  1. Kevin O’Connell (1981). MicroChess - Paris Tournament. Personal Computer World, August 1981, Publication Archive from Chess Computer UK by Mike Watters
  2. Gerhard Piel (1981). Wilde Weltmeisterschaften. Rochade, 08-1981 (German) in 09-1981, 2. Mikrocomputer-Schachweltmeisterschaft in Travemünde und Hamburg (pdf) hosted by Hein Veldhuis
  3. Re: French Computer Chess Championship results by Pascal Coupet, CCC, October 11, 1999
  4. 11 tactical positions computers can't solve by Marc-François Baudot, rec.games.chess, July 11, 1994
  5. Pierre Nolot's solutions to the 11 positions by Marc-François Baudot, rec.games.chess, July 29, 1994
  6. Les échecs, un sacré programme. Échec et mat, n° 101, October-November-December 2009, pp. 14, Nolot pp. 17, pdf
  7. Emil Nikolic vs Robert James Fischer (1968) from chessgames.com
  8. Yuri S Gusev vs E Auerbach (1946) Gusev's Immortal from chessgames.com
  9. 8405. Gusev v Auerbach - Chess Notes by Edward Winter
  10. 5th WCCC 1986, article in french + pictures by Vincent Lejeune, CCC, November 12, 2012
  11. Programmation des échecs et d’autres jeux by Olivier Teytaud, Interstices - Explorez les sciences du numérique, November 26, 2012, translation by Google Translate

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