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title: Paul Hsieh

Home * People * Paul Hsieh

Paul Hsieh [1] Paul Hsieh,

a Canadian mathematician and programmer. Paul received a BS in mathematics from the University of Waterloo in 1993 and a Masters of mathematics from the University of Toronto in 1994 respectively [2]. He was active in Game and Othello programming, and is author of the Othellos program QED (along with Mark Brockington) and Chameleon [3]. Paul Hsieh further maintains his A zillion monkeys [4] sites on programming, optimization [5], hashing [6] and his assembly language lab [7].

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  1. โ†‘ Programming Bits by Paul Hsieh
  2. โ†‘ Paul Hsieh (1996). Deep Blue - Deep Thought 2. Computer Chess Reports, Vol 5, No 3+4, pp. 45
  3. โ†‘ Keyano (Othello) - Acknowledgements
  4. โ†‘ Infinite monkey theorem from Wikipedia
  5. โ†‘ Programming Optimization by Paul Hsieh
  6. โ†‘ Hash functions by Paul Hsieh
  7. โ†‘ Assembly Language Lab by Paul Hsieh
  8. โ†‘ World Chess Championship 1990 - Wikipedia

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