Milton_Bradley - peregrineshahin/ChessProgrammingWiki GitHub Wiki

title: Milton Bradley

Home * Organizations * Milton Bradley

[ Milton Bradley logo [1] Milton Bradley, (Milton Bradley Company, MB)

an American board game company established by Milton Bradley in Springfield, Massachusetts, with the The Checkered Game of Life in 1860, America's first popular parlour game.


Milton Bradley was taken over by Hasbro, Inc., in 1984, discontinuing the chess computer market. Now wholly owned by Hasbro, it is still retained as one of Hasbro's brands, similar to the manner in which Parker Brothers is one of Hasbro's brands [3]. Still in the 80's, Fidelity Electronics bought the rights on the Phantom [4] and released a follow up model with a program by Dan and Kathe Spracklen, the Fidelity Phantom [5].

External Links

Patents from Chess Computer UK by Mike Watters


  1. โ†‘ Milton Bradley Company from Wikipedia
  2. โ†‘ Tony Harrington (1983). Phantom Moves. Personal Computer World, July 1983, pdf
  3. โ†‘ Milton Bradley Company from Wikipedia
  4. โ†‘ Ismenio's chess computer collection - MB Phantom Chess Computer
  5. โ†‘ Fidelity Phantom from Wiki (German)

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