Michel_Langeveld - peregrineshahin/ChessProgrammingWiki GitHub Wiki

title: Michel Langeveld

Home * People * Michel Langeveld

Michel Langeveld operating Crafty [1] Michel Langeveld,

a Dutch chess player [2] and computer chess programmer. He is author of the chess program Nullmover, and in 2004 modified TSCP to play Gothic Chess, dubbed TSCP Gothic [3] to play the 2004 Gothic Chess Computer World Championship [4]. At the WMCCC 2001 Michel Langeveld served as opening book author and operator of Crafty.


2000 ...



External Links


  1. Mikrocomputer Schachweltmeisterschaft 2001, Fotos vom fünften Spieltag by Eric van Reem, ChessBase Events (Wayback Machine)
  2. Michel Langeveld player profile - ChessBase Players
  3. Community - Tom Kerrigan's Home Page
  4. 2004 Gothic Chess Computer World Championship (Wayback Machine)

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