Kazunori_Yamaguchi - peregrineshahin/ChessProgrammingWiki GitHub Wiki

title: Kazunori Yamaguchi

Home * People * Kazunori Yamaguchi

Kazunori Yamaguchi [1] Kazunori Yamaguchi,

a Japanese electrical engineer, computer scientist, and professor at Department of General Systems Studies [2], The University of Tokyo. His research interests covers the broad range of computer and systems science, data structures and algorithms, database management system, artificial intelligence, computer games, and general game playing.

1980 ...

1990 ...

2000 ...

2010 ...

External Links


  1. The University of Tokyo, GPES | Faculty Staff | Measurement and Evaluation | Yamaguchi, Kazunori
  2. Department of General Systems Studies
  3. dblp: Kazunori Yamaguchi

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