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title: Jonathan Rosenthal

Home * People * Jonathan Rosenthal

Jonathan Rosenthal [1] Jonathan Rosenthal,

a Swiss chess FIDE Master [2], former U14 master of Switzerland, and computer scientist affiliated with ETH Zurich. He made first chess programming experience in writing a chess engine dubbed The Machine, which played at HGM's Online Engine Blitz Tourney in January 2015 [3]. In the meantime, he graduated at ETH with his Bachelor of Science thesis on deep lerning in Go [4], which covers aspects of computer chess versus computer Go, along with search and evaluation topics such as alpha-beta, Monte-Carlo Tree Search, and deep neural networks as used in Matthew Lai's thesis chess engine Giraffe, and DeepMind's AlphaGo.

Selected Publications

Forum Posts


2016 ...

External Links



GitHub - rosenthj/Winter: UCI Chess Engine


  1. Carlsen macht den Hamilton - Kultur: Diverses - Tages-Anzeiger, November 28, 2016 (German) » ticker by Jonathan Rosenthal on WCC Game 12: Carlsen–Karjakin, ½–½
  2. Rosenthal, Jonathan FIDE Chess Profile
  3. Re: On-line engine blitz tourney January by Harm Geert Muller, CCC, January 24, 2015
  4. ↑ Jonathan Rosenthal (2016). Deep Learning for Go. B.Sc. thesis, ETH Zurich
  5. Winter Released by Jonathan Rosenthal, CCC, January 08, 2018

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