John_Poduska_Jr. - peregrineshahin/ChessProgrammingWiki GitHub Wiki

title: John Poduska Jr.

Home * People * John Poduska Jr.

John Poduska [1] John William Poduska Jr.,

an American computer scientist, and as former computer chess programmer author of the chess program Chaturanga, which played the ACM 1981 [2] and ACM 1982 [3]. John Poduska Jr. is son of John William Poduska, Sr., a technological entrepreneur, independent business consultant and in 1979 the founder of Apollo Computer, which was one of the first creators of graphical workstations in the 1980s [4]. Therefore Chaturanga was obligated to run on John Poduska's father's hardware.


  1. John Poduska - YouTube
  2. The Twelfth ACM's North American Computer Chess Championship from The Computer History Museum
  3. pdf from Danny Kopec covers ACM 1982
  4. John W. Poduska, Sr., IEEE Computer Society Awards

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