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title: Johann Joss

Home * People * Johann Joss

Johann Joss [1] Johann Joss,

a Swiss mathematician and Ph.D in mathematics from the ETH Zurich, in the 90s affiliated with the University Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine of Lausanne. He already started computer chess programming in 1967 on a CDC 1604 A [2], and his chess program Tell participated at the first two World Computer Chess Championships, the WCCC 1974 in Stockholm and the WCCC 1977 in Toronto, and won the first German computer chess tournament, the First GI Computer Chess Tournament, 1975 in Dortmund [3] [4].

Selected Publications

External Links

About Floating Point Arithmetic


  1. Johanns Blog
  2. Erstes Computer-Schachturnier der Gesellschaft für Informatik October 17, 1975, Computerwoche 42/1975 (German)
  3. Tells Geschoß: Schachmatt, October 17, 1975, Computerwoche 42/1975 (German)
  4. Computerschach: Mini besiegt Maxi, October 17, 1975, Computerwoche 42/1975 (German)
  5. Robert Axelrod (1984). The Evolution of Cooperation, pdf, pp. 32
  6. Ronald S. Burt (1999). Private Games are too Dangerous. pdf

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