InBetween - peregrineshahin/ChessProgrammingWiki GitHub Wiki

title: InBetween

Home * Software * Utilities * InBetween


a Windows command line utility written by Odd Gunnar Malin that can be used to translate or modify text commands between client and server, for instance between a chess GUI (client) and CECP or UCI compliant chess engine (server) to fix communication incompatibilities or glitches in protocol implementations. Further, to track down possible incompatibilities, or for debug purpose [1], InBetween allows logging of all the communication between GUI and engine (client, server or both), either as output to the console or optionally written into a log file. Along with PuTTY, InBetween may be used for fusing a Windows GUI, such as ChessBase to a chess engine on a Linux server via a Secure Shell [2].

See also


2000 ...

Re: Inbetween debug output saving as a log file? by Odd Gunnar Malin, Winboard Forum, January 26, 2002

2010 ...

External Links

Chess Utility



  1. Re: Inbetween debug output saving as a log file? by Odd Gunnar Malin, Winboard Forum, January 26, 2002
  2. Connecting a Windows box to a remote Engine on a GNU+Linux server from

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