ICCA - peregrineshahin/ChessProgrammingWiki GitHub Wiki

title: ICCA

Home * Organizations * ICCA

ICCA - International Computer Chess Association founded in 1977 - the predecessor of the ICGA, the International Computer Games Association.

ICCA Presidents

| President | Org. | from | until | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Ben Mittman | ICCA | 1977 | 1983 | | Monroe Newborn | | 1983 | 1986 | | David Levy | | 1986 | 1993 | | Tony Marsland | | 1993 | 1999 | | David Levy | ICCA | 1999 | 2002 | | David Levy | ICGA | 2002 | |

The ICCA/ICGA Journal

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