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title: Helmut Horacek

Home * People * Helmut Horacek

Helmut Horacek [1] Helmut Horacek,

an Austrian computer scientist, mathematician and AI-researcher with focus on natural language processing affiliated with the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence, Saarbrücken [2], and Saarland University. During the early 80, along with Hermann Kaindl, Marcus Wagner and Roland Schreier, Helmut Horacek was co-author of the chess program Merlin, competing at various ACM North American Computer Chess Championships and two World Computer Chess Championships in the 80s [3]. He is further author of the Pawn Endgame program PawnKing, which was also subject of his Ph.D. thesis, co-supervised by Wilhelm Barth from Vienna University of Technology and Curt Christian from University of Vienna [4]. As elaborated in his 1983 paper [5], PawnKing relies on pawn- and king-pattern with bitboards as well as path algorithms to guide the search in his knowledge-based move selection and evaluation approach.


Advances in Computer Chess 5 Smalltalk:
Hans Berliner, Hermann Kaindl, Helmut Horacek, Adriaan de Groot and Reiner Seidel [6]

See also

Selected Publications

[7] [8]

1980 ...

1990 ...

2000 ...

2010 ...

External Links


  1. ↑ From the workshop on Explanation-aware Computing ExaCt 2008 in Patras, Greece. flickr
  2. Bloomsbury - Helmut Horacek
  3. Merlin's ICGA Tournaments
  4. ↑ Helmut Horacek (1982). Ein Modell für Schachbauernendspiele mit menschlichen Problemlösungstechniken. Ph.D. thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Vienna, supervisors Curt Christian (University of Vienna) and Wilhelm Barth (Vienna University of Technology)
  5. ↑ Helmut Horacek (1983). Knowledge-Based Move Selection and Evaluation to Guide the Search in Chess Pawn Endings. ICCA Journal, Vol. 6, No. 3
  6. ↑ Photo by László Lindner, ICCA Journal, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 117
  7. ICGA Reference Database
  8. dblp: Helmut Horacek
  9. Werner DePauli-Schimanovich (2006). Europolis 6. Informatik für Spiele und Verkehr. Extension der Mengenlehre, Herausgeber: Franz Pichler, Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner, ISBN 978-3-85487-946-6, (SG7) Merlin (ein ComputerChess-Programm) s. 171 (German), Google Books

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