Giuseppe_Cannella - peregrineshahin/ChessProgrammingWiki GitHub Wiki

title: Giuseppe Cannella

Home * People * Giuseppe Cannella

Giuseppe Cannella [1] Giuseppe Cannella,

an Italian computer scientist and software engineer. He graduated in computer science from University of Palermo in 1999. As computer chess programmer, Giuseppe is author of the UCI compliant open source chess engine Cinnamon (former Butterfly) under GPL Version 3, which is also a JavaScript library to play with chessboard.js [2] or any js GUI. Giuseppe has further published an online Bitboard calculator [3], a web based evaluation GUI to display and compare eval command outputs from two engines of a chess position [4], and has set up the distributed and collaborative Perft framework Auriga [5].

Forum Posts

2005 ...

2010 ...

2015 ...

External Links


  1. Giuseppe Cannella | LinkedIn
  2. chessboard.js » Home
  3. Bitboard Calculator by Giuseppe Cannella
  4. GitHub - gekomad/chess-engine-eval-debugger: Chess engine web evaluator
  5. Auriga by Giuseppe Cannella

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