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title: Gerhard Wolf

Home * People * Gerhard Wolf

Gerhard Wolf,

an Austrian computer scientist and early chess programmer, in the 70s affiliated with Graz University of Technology and its computer center Rechenzentrum Graz. He is author of the chess program David which played the ACM 1971 in Chicago, and along with Fritz Königshofer, co-author of the chess program Frantz, competing the 1st World Computer Chess Championship, 1974 in Stockholm [1] [2].

Selected Publications

External Links


  1. Frantz' ICGA Tournaments
  2. SCHACH (Graz) : "Grazer nehmen an Computer - SCHACH - WM in Stockholm teil": Wahrheit v. 3.8.1974, S. 7, Kataloge der Universitäten Graz, Linz, Bratislava und Innsbruck

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