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title: Bruce Abramson

Home * People * Bruce Abramson

Bruce Abramson [1] Bruce D. Abramson,

an American computer scientist and jurist. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Columbia University and a J.D. from Georgetown. He has served on the faculty of the University of Southern California, and as a research adjunct to the faculty of Carnegie Mellon University. His research interests covers Game theory in general with focus on heuristic search and evaluation associated with learning.

Selected Publications


1985 ...

1990 ...

2000 ...

  • Bruce Abramson (2002). Promoting Innovation In The Software Industry: A First Principles Approach To Intellectual Property Reform. pdf
  • Bruce Abramson (2006). Digital Phoenix - Why the Information Economy Collapsed and How It Will Rise Again. MIT Press

External Links


  1. Intellectual Property Expert Witness – Damages - Portfolios – The Law & Economics of Technology
  2. dblp: Bruce Abramson

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