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title: Achilles

Home * Engines * Achilles

[ Eugène Delacroix - The Education of Achilles [1] Achilles,

a parallel chess system by Vladan Vučković based on his Axon 3 engine. In July 2007, at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, Achilles won a four game match versus Grandmaster Igor Miladinović with 3½ - ½, running on a cluster of 12 AMD x64, 1.8 GHz with an own written UDP cluster chess operating system. Game was two hours per side [2] . Đorđe Vidanović was responsible for the opening book [3] .

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Chess Engine


Achilles' heel Achilles tendon References

  1. Eugène Delacroix - The Education of Achilles, circa 1862, Getty Center, Wikimedia Commons
  2. Achilles Home
  3. GM Igor Miladinovic (elo 2606) vs Achilles live by Đorđe Vidanović, CCC, July 05, 2007

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