Upload sketch with OTA - peno64/ArduinoOTAwiki GitHub Wiki
See example https://github.com/JAndrassy/ArduinoOTA/blob/master/examples/OTEthernet/OTEthernet.ino
- First upload this example to the arduino mega the standard way via usb.
- Change the mac if needed.
- Check in the monitor which ip address is assigned to the arduino.
- Edit C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\my_boards\hardware\avr\programmers.txt and add the ip address
- In Tools, Board: , choose my_boards-avr (in Sketchbook), Arduino Mega 2560 (Optiboot)
- In Tools, Programmer:, choose Arduino OTA (ip)
- Make sure that Serial Monitor is closed!!! If not there is a chance that the arduino is reset too soon and as result a corrupted sketch is flashed.
- In Sketch, choose Upload Using Programmer