Recogito Tutorial: Standard Bulk Mode - pelagios/ GitHub Wiki

You can click on the “yes, and merge existing annotations” button, and everything that is in your annotation, the association with a gazetteer but also tags and comments, will be applied to all occurrences of the same word(s). We discuss further the management of tags and comments in a dedicated section.

This means that, if there were pre-existing annotations associated with this word, they will be overridden by the new one. For example, if you previously annotated “Italy” by matching it to the entry in the GeoNames gazetteer (equivalent to the modern nation-state of Italy), and now realise that it would be preferable to match it to the entry in the Pleiades Gazetteer of the Ancient World (i.e. the peninsula in the Mediterranean inhabited by Etruscans, Samnite and Romans among others), with this bulk mode option, you can change the annotation only once and then re-apply it to all other instances of “Italy” in the text, substituting the old annotations with the new, correct one.