Recogito Tutorial: Map Visualisation Options - pelagios/ GitHub Wiki

By default, the map view represents place annotations according to their relevance: all places appear in the same colour, bright green, but in different sizes according to the number of annotations received. If you click on the cog wheel at the bottom left corner (“Change colour and filter settings”), you can access further visualisation options.

  • Colour By Tag: with this option, annotations that share the same first tag will show in the same colour on the map. You can read more on how the visualisation by first tag works in the section discussing the document views available for text.
  • Colour By Part: if you are have annotated more files together in a bundle, with this option you will assign a different colour to each provenance file. Annotations coming from the same file will show in the same colour, enabling you to easily identify the provenance of the annotation. Annotations showing in white appear in more than one file, and can be further investigated for comparison. You can read more about comparing documents in Recogito in our Recogito's Tips&Tricks.
  • Colour By Status: in the default map view, all dots appear green, regardless if they are verified or not. This may generate misleading visualisations, especially when looking at annotations created automatically with the NER algorithms. Selecting this option, you will see only the verified annotations as green dots, while the unverified ones will be gray.
  • Colour by Contributor: in this map view, a different colour will be assigned to the annotations created by each user. Places annotated by more than one contributor will show as white, while annotations generated by the NER algorithm will show as grey.