Recogito Tutorial: Document View for Text Documents - pelagios/ GitHub Wiki

In text documents there are three colour codings available, to enhance your annotation workflow. You can switch between them selecting the most suitable mode from the toolbar.

  • By verification status: this is the default visualisation. It will show all place annotations that have been verified as highlighted in green. Place annotations that have not been verified yet, like, for example, those created automatically by the NER algorithms will appear as gray. Place annotations that have been verified but cannot be associated to a specific gazetteer’s URI will show as highlighted in yellow. This mode is particularly useful if you are performing mostly place annotations. However, all other annotations (of the “person” and “event” type) will always appear as gray, regardless of their status (verified or unverified).

  • By entity type: in this visualisation, a different colour will be assigned to each type of annotation. All place references will show as green, regardless their verification status; person annotations will show as blue, event annotations will show as purple, and free-style annotations (with no type selected) will show as yellow.

  • By first tag: if you have applied tags to your annotations, all those that have the same first tag will show with the same colour. Colours are randomly assigned, and would only apply to the first tag, so pay attention to the order in which tags are added during the annotation process. For example, two annotations that have tags “City, Major”, and “City, Minor” will be visualised with the same colour. While an annotation that has tags “Capital, City” won’t show in the same colour of the previous two. Annotations that have no tag, will all show in gray. If an entity has more than one tag, a small icon under the annotation will also show the number of tags the annotation has received. Tags can also be used to refine your visualisation in the Map View