Recogito Tutorial: Document Options - pelagios/ GitHub Wiki

Recogito offers you a few options to help you manage the documents in the “My Documents” area. Select a given document by clicking on it once; when it’s highlighted, click on the “Options” button that has now appeared.

The button presents you with a menu of possible actions:

  • Open your document.
  • Open your document in another tab.
  • Move a single file to an existing folder: click on this option and then choose the destination folder from the list that is now available.
  • Duplicate: create an independent copy of an existing document. The copy has all the annotations appearing in the original document at the moment of the duplication, but it can be further annotated without modifying the source document.
  • Delete the document: please note that this operation is not reversible and you will be asked to confirm before actually deleting the file. You can also simply delete the annotations but keep the document.
  • Apply Named Entity Recognition: to know more about this function you can read the dedicated section.