Recogito Tutorial: Customising the Interface - pelagios/ GitHub Wiki

When you log into Recogito, you will see an overview of all the documents you have uploaded in the “My Documents” area, along with their associated metadata.

You can customise the interface in three ways: (i) The default setting is a list, but you can change to an icon-based view by clicking on the grid symbol. (ii) You can also customise how many of the document metadata fields show up in the list by clicking on the three dots icon and selecting those you want. (iii) You can change the order of the fields by dragging them around.

If you highlight the “Shared with me” area, you can find the documents that other users have shared with you, and you’ll be able to customise this space in the same way that we have just described. For more about sharing, see the “sharing and permissions” section.