Recogito Tutorial: Annotation Preferences - pelagios/ GitHub Wiki

Annotation Preferences: if you are working with historical documents, you may want to constrain the gazetteers that Recogito will consider in the suggested place matches, and consider only those that are relevant to your specific case. If you are annotating an ancient Greek text, for example, you most definitely will need the Pleiades Gazetteer, but you may want to disable the one dedicated to the South American continent, to reduce noise and misleading false matches.

  • Pleiades: a collaborative, peer reviewed gazetteer of the ancient world with a focus on the Mediterranean area.
  • China Historical Gazetteer: a free database of place-names and historical administrative units for the Chinese Dynasties.
  • DPP Places: a gazetteer created within the Digitizing patterns of Power in the European Middle Ages Project.
  • DARE: the Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire.
  • MoEML: the Map of early Modern London, the first complete urban gazetteer.
  • HGIS de las Indias: Historical-Geographic Information System for Spanish America (1701-1808)
  • GeoNames: a contemporary collaborative gazetteer. Due to the large amount of information that it contains, geoNames is not entirely available in Recogito, but only a subset of populated places, countries and first-level administrative divisions.
  • Kima: a gazetteer for places in the Hebrew script.