Recogito Tutorial: Adding Comments and Tags - pelagios/ GitHub Wiki

You can use Tags and Comments to refine your annotations. If you have the right permissions, you can also comment on other users’ annotations, to improve, correct, and / or complement the information.

Comments: you can use this free-text field to manually provide more information about your annotation. Such details might be precise geographical coordinates for a place that you have researched, an alternative name for it, or even URIs from other global authority records, which are not part of Recogito’s suite of gazetteers. Read more about possible uses of the “Comments” field in our Recogito Tips&Tricks.

Tags: to create a tag simply write the word(s) that you want to use as label in the “Tags” field, and hit “enter”. When the label is enclosed by a rectangular box, your tag is active. There is no limit to the number of tags you can use, however, the order is important: only the first tag is taken into account in the tag-based visualisation option (in both Document and Map views). To delete a tag, click on it and then on the bin icon that appears just next to it.