How to configure the Pega Chat bot - pegasystems/uplus-wss GitHub Wiki

The Uplus application supports two types of chat implementation:

  • Chat using the Pega Digital Messaging platform - this configuration is supported in 8.5 and higher - This is the default and recommended configuration
  • Chat using Pega Web Mashup - this configuration is no longer supported and documented

Chat using the Digital Messaging platform

Once you configure your Chat channel, go to the installation tab to retrieve the code snippet to include in your application image

Retrieve the ID and url and insert these values into the settings page image

The Digital Messaging server allows to pass additional tags to the context data - see


in order to pass these tags to the DMM, looks for the textarea under the Users tab of the Settings page. The tags are passed as a comma-separated list of tag=value,tag1=value1. When the chat is initialized, the PegaChatTags object will be set with those settings


Using Custom Conversation Events

Custom events allows a user to listen for events that are received from the chat widget and take action on the event in their website. Custom events can be used to navigate a user to specific pages or anchors, launch the login modal, or highlight elements within a page.

  1. To implement a custom event, first open a conversation flow in Pega. On the canvas, add a new ‘Custom Event’ shape. image

  2. Click on the event to configure the details: image

  3. On the U+ Website, go to Settings > Messaging and Co-Browse and navigate to the custom events section. Edit an existing event or add a new event and fill in the following information:

  • Event Name: The name of the event defined in the custom event shape in pega
  • Event Action: The action to take on the website when the event is received. ‘Click element’ will click on the page element. ‘Highlight Element’ will add a highlight animation to the element
  • Element to select: The text contained in the element you’d Event action to occur on. E.g. ‘Log in’ or ‘Checking & Savings’
  • Send Event Acknowledgement: If ‘wait for response’ is configured on the event conversation shape, an event acknowledgement will need to be sent after the event is received to proceed with the conversation. Additional, when this option is selected you’ll need to select when the acknowledgement is sent (e.g. after login success) image