Options: Common - pcb2gcode/pcb2gcode GitHub Wiki

Options: Common

These options are common to all the milling, milldrilling, drilling, and cutting.

CNC options, common to all the milling, drilling, and cutting:
  --zsafe arg                           safety height (Z-coordinate during 
                                        rapid moves)
  --spinup-time arg (=0.001 s)          time required to the spindle to reach 
                                        the correct speed
  --spindown-time arg                   time required to the spindle to return 
                                        to 0 rpm
  --zchange arg                         tool changing height
  --zchange-absolute [=arg(=1)] (=0)    use zchange as a machine coordinates 
                                        height (G53)
  --tile-x arg (=1)                     number of tiling columns. Default value
                                        is 1
  --tile-y arg (=1)                     number of tiling rows. Default value is


The height at which the bit can move freely without obstruction. This needs to be above the surface and any screws or clamps that might be holding the FR4 in place.


pcb2gcode can make multiple copies of your design. Just specify how many to make in the x and y directions.